Services Requested
Is there a time constraint? What is the target for completion of the scope of work?
For Additional Sites, please provide Site Locations / Site Activities / Approximate Square Footage / Number of Employees at Each Site
What standard(s) is the company currently certified to and how long has it been certified? Who is the Registrar?
What are the company's main products and / or services? Are there different product lines at different sites? Please provide additional information so that we can understand the overall operations of your organization.
Does the company keep a formal list of the Environmental Regulations that apply to its operations?
Is the company required to hold permits with respect to air / water / land / other emissions? Please provide details.
Please be sure to tell us about any water treatment, air treatment, dust collection systems, etc. A general overview is fine.
Is there a Document Control system in place, hard copy or electronic? How long has the system been in place? If document control software is being used, which one? Are documents, including forms, adequately controlled; review, approval, distribution, and revision?
Is there an Environmental Systems Manual and, if yes, approximately how many pages is it?
Are there Level 2 documents (also called Procedures / SOPs, etc.) and, if yes, how many, format (text vs. flowchart) and average size (pages)? Are Level 2 documents clearly identified? How many Level 2 documents are there?
Does your company have a written Emergency Evacuation Plan? When was the last time there was an evacuation drill?
Does your company have a Fire Extinguisher Inspection plan? When was the last time Fire Extinguishers were inspected? Are records of inspection kept?
Has the company had any incidents of environmental releases over regulated levels in the last 12 months? If yes, please provide additional information describing the concern(s.)
Are environmental and associated regulatory records clearly identified and controlled? Is a record master list used to identify record location and retention?
Has the company recorded its Environmental Aspects / Impacts and established any programs to control Significant Aspects?
Are there trained Internal Auditors; how many, who trained them? Is there an internal audit process in place? Will Internal Audit be outsourced?
Are there any additional complications or concerns that we should know about?
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